Genesprint SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit

  • HKD240HKD188

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Brand: Genesprint


Tags:  Anti-Epidemic Products


Genesprint SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Kit

The SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test is a reliable, rapid chromatopgraphic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of specific antigens of SARS-CoV-2 present in the human nasopharynx. The test result can be known in 5-15 minutes.

  • Passed EU certification
  • Nasopharyngeal/oropharynx can be tested
  • Positive/negative results in 10-15 minutes
  • 100% specificity for detecting new coronary pneumonia
  • 93.75% sensitivity, rapid virus test
  • Users can test by themselves without pain
  • Reduce the risk of cross-infection when going out


  1.  Remove the cotton swab from the sterile packaging.
  2.  Insert a sterile cotton swab into the patient's mouth, reach the surface of the mouth, cheeks, and gums, and then sweep the back of the throat through each area for 10 seconds.
  3.  Remove the sterile cotton swab from the mouth.
  4.  Pour the diluent into the buffer tube.
  5.  Insert the cotton swab into the extraction buffer tube. When squeezing the buffer tube, stir the cotton swab more than 5 times.
  6.  While squeezing the swab, remove the swab to draw liquid from the swab.
  7.  Press the nozzle cap tightly on the tube.
  8.  Drop 3 drops of the extracted sample into the hole of the test box device.
  9.  Read the test results within 10 minutes.

** Do not read the test results after 30 minutes. It may give wrong results.

Authorized goods

This product is designed for primary screening only. If you have any doubts about the test results, seek medical advise immediately. The Test result should be used in conjunction with other clinical information to diagnose COVID-19 infection. If you are suspecting an infection, feeling unwell or have any symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, you should consult medical professionals immediately for the confirmation of diagnosis.

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